A FREE 16 weekends, "Boot Camp" like, intensive, tutorials for Junior High School girls from rural/village schools in Ghana to prepare and improve their capacity to pass the High School Entrance Examination to gain admissions into, and excel in Senior High Schools in Ghana. The Girls Education Enhancement Program (GEEP) is a special initiative to change and improve the lives of these rural (village) girls.

It is an acknowledged fact that fewer girls in Africa get educational opportunities, and the few that do are mostly from the cities and urban areas. The girls in the rural areas and villages are always at a disadvantaged for a variety of reasons:

  • Lack of good schools, good teachers and educational material and resources.
  • In many areas, school classes are held under the shade of trees;
  • Girls are assigned the house and farm chores, of cooking, cleaning washing, baby sitting, fetching water, and planting, etc, and never have time to study
  • Many parents simply don't have the resources, or don't want to spend the money to pay for the extra classes and tutorials that these girls need to do well in school. After all, they will soon leave home to marry.

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better life and future