The Adakum Educational Foundation with grants from JPMorgan Chase, and volunteers of young professional from the US is started construction of a Health Center at the L&A Academy in Accra in September of 2008. Very few children in Ghana, and indeed, all over Africa, have regular access to doctors and clinics for check –ups and medical treatments. The tragic result is that, treatable childhood diseases often turn into debilitating and deadly illnesses over time, crippling bodies and minds and turning bright young men and women into unproductive citizens. In the cases of adults, we do know that because of lack of means, illnesses go untreated or partially treated resulting in unnecessary early deaths which usually spell doom for the future of the young children.

To help solve this tragic condition, the Adakum Foundation is advocating for opening School Clinics in the school compound/complex to provide FREE basic preventive health care for the children and their parents. We believe this will be an inexpensive and effective means of treating and fighting common diseases among the children and the general population. The Adakum Foundation is testing and funding such School Clinic at the L&A Memorial Academy in Accra, Ghana. This past June 2007, with the help of 4 volunteer medical students from Rutgers University who went to Ghana to visit the school in Accra, we started the Clinic operation.
When it is completed and opened in March of 2009, the Center will serve multiple purposes:

  • Have offices for general check up, dental and eye care, and a lab;
  • Provide facilities for volunteers medical professionals from all over the world to come and help the poor families;
  • Serve as information and training center for public health issues: Malaria campaign, environmental clean up, HIV/AIDS, STDs, Healthy Habits for School Children campaign.

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